Jun 22, 2022Liked by Sam Atis

Please could you write something on how you create the Anki deck you mention toward the end?

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Assume a world in which Haidt is correct: there are five moral pillars (harm, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity). Left leaning people emphasize harm and fairness. Right leaning people care about all five.

Consider two cases:

(1) Society has all political and social institutions dominated by the right.

This state is unstable. Left leaning people will push for change.

(2) Society has all political and social institutions dominated by the left.

This state is stable. Right leaning people are constrained by their respect for authority and loyalty, and will not aggressively push for change.

The thought experiment implies that institutional capture by the opposition is more a problem for the right than the left. I did not read Haidt’s book. Perhaps he already thought this.

Also, please note that I am not arguing that the African American community is in state #2. Nor do I mention Ceaser’s avarice.

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That’s probably enough. I was wondering if you tried to write questions based on the papers. I’ve tried that but it takes a ton of time (for me at least)

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